Every day we bring hope to millions of children in the world's hardest places as a sign of God's unconditional love.
We connect people, ideas and resources to help the World solve global issues.
Help Millions of Women facing Poor Health Conditions.
Take a child out of the workhouse and put them into school.
Professionals or students, the retired or the serving, all can help in carrying out our Programs.
Blood Donation
We care for children, women, nature, Disabled and protect their welfare, and prepare them for the future as they are the most concerning issues world is facing today.
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It is unfortunate that scores of children are homeless and have no family members to look after them. Such children living in orphanages as well as other institutions often crave a loving touch and attention. They also miss out on treats and gifts unlike children with family. Donating food or annadaan means to uplift the poor and help improve their life. It is a noble cause that earns us blessings and boons equal a 100 good deeds. Therefore, Astrospeak brings you the opportunity to offer Annadaan at an orphanage where the needy children will be fed good food on your behalf.
Vivamus at cursus diam. Duis eros felis, luctus id gravida a, vehicula in est. Sed elementum, justo sodales.
Curabitur vel sapien sapien. Duis pellentesque id augue vel tristique. Phasellus ut ultricies risus.