
Most elders find themselves at a loss after an active work life, with no place to go, no colleagues and often no support group. Studies indicate that in most cases this leads to a feeling of complete isolation, neglect and loss of confidence and self-worth leading to depression and health problems. This is a serious situation calling for urgent, remedial action. The consequences of not doing so are alarming considering that India’s elderly population is projected to reach 200 million by 2030. According to health professionals, elders who are part of a social or work group fare much better in terms of physical and emotional well-being. The solution seems to lie in like-minded elders forming small groups and working together on socially useful projects which not only benefits society but is of immense benefit to the elders themselves as it keeps them socially engaged and imparts a sense of self-worth. Which is why, Vibrant, the country’s leading advocate of Active Ageing has launched a unique programs that strives to meet these objectives..


Refugees - Vibrant World Foundation